My Work History & CV

The intention of this page is to clearly communicate how I can collaborate. Includes my qualifications, work experience and skills.

I am open to the following:
- Collaborate with an entrepreneur to fund my Soul Purpose Method app.

- Work in a location where I get to share my gifts on a regular basis. This could be a healing/retreat centre or a collaboration with another facilitator.
- Collaborate with another facilitator doing workshops, classes, retreats.

Below I share videos of my work history, testimonials and link to my CV.

My CV:

Here is a pdf link to my full CV

Below I show some quick highlights of my work.
For all video links and highlights go to my CV link above.

I divide the following into Services, Work History & Qualification.

Services I provide:

Public Talks:
-How to Find your Soul Purpose
Classes I teach:

-Breathwork (Conscious Connected Breathwork)
-Meditation (Soul Alignment Method)
-Yoga (Hatha, Vinyasa)
-Partner Dance (Brazilian Zouk, Fusion)

Workshops I teach:
-Find your Soul Purpose (I am creator of S.A.M which is a soul purpose method)
- Family Constellations (Heal your Ancestral Lineage)
- Conscious Relating (Tantra, Masculine Feminine dynamics in partner dance)

Events I host:
- Ecstatic Dance & Ecstatic Partner Dance

Retreats I host:
- Dance Healing & Conscious Relating

My 1:1 service:
-Soul Purpose clarity.
-Emotional Trauma Healing.
-Facilitator training in Soul Purpose Mentorship
-Facilitator training in Family Constellations

Testimonials of my work & Service:

My Facilitator Training Course Testimonials

My Facilitator Training Course Promo

My CoConnection 1 Retreat Highlights

CoConnection II retreat highlight

Ecstatic Partner Dance Events: Video links here.

More video testimonials of my work

Here is the link to written testimonials
(I have many written testimonials on my instagram highlights)

My Vision for the world:

Thank you for reading my Bio.